Monday, September 17, 2007

What Is the Chocolate Banquet?

Dear Readers,
Welcome to the Chocolate Banquet! In the fall of 2006, I accepted a bet that involved eating a different type of chocolate every day for a year. Thus began an interesting year and the start of a cocoa/cocao quest.

I wanted something fun, and I thought a blog format would prod me to do some witty or intelligent writing. Yeah, well, nothing like looking at your own writing and thinking - how on earth would this be interesting to people out there? Witty? Hardly. But, the important thing was to dive in and work with life's ingredients I had available to me. Hmmm. Not enough money to quit my day job and travel around the world or start a charitable foundation, but...I like chocolate! One works with the raw material that one has sometimes.

The blog title "Chocolate Banquet" was inspired by a line from a movie: Life's a banquet, and most suckers are starving to death, to paraphrase Rosalind Russell in "Auntie Mame." And so, the Chocolate Banquet was born.

- Enjoy

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