Monday, September 17, 2007

ChocolateBet: September 16, 2006

I have a very nice birthday dinner with my mom and dad, and boyfriend, at Il Fornaio - a high-end chain of nice Italian restaurants. I had a great chocolate mousse cake that looked pretty flour-less, and a scoop of vanilla with some decaf espresso to go with it. Lovely.

Yes, my actual 50th birthday was last week, on September 11, but I celebrate like to celebrate birthdays all month long. And my nieces and nephews and other friends and relatives are used to getting strange little packages with hand-written notes saying "happy unbirthday, and happy unchristmas..." filled with small random gifts and random times of the year.

Part of my excitement about 50, and probably why I decided to do this chocolate bet, and some other crazy adventures, was that I am feeling less and less bound by responsibility and convention. I have a daughter who will, in a year, be turning 18 and going off to college, and the thought of the increased freedom (although I'll miss her I'm sure), is liberating. I would also love to spend more time in the city - San Francisco. I thought I would live there after I returned from a multi-year stint in Wash, D.C., many years ago, but I ended up in Silicon Valley, living in the suburbs, and while it's been great to have a car and my own driveway to park a car or two... I can't help but get excited about spending more time in a big city again. I start doing a web search of potential chocolate suppliers in the city....Yes, this should be great fun.

Chocolate of the Day:
1 piece
Il Fornaio
chocolate mousse cake
Very Good
From: Il Fornaio (restaurant), Palo Alto, CA

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