Divine Organics Raw Chocolate
Original Gojiberry Brittle
Weight: 1.6 oz. (45.3 g.) in total package
Calories: 234 calories (estimate) in 1 package
Cost: $7.95 for 1 package
Purchased from: SweetE Organic, Mill Valley, CA

Today's original gojiberry brittle had just 5 ingredients: organic raw cacao, organic maple sugar, organic raw goji berries, organic raw vanilla, and Royal Himalayan pink crystal salt.
The maple sugar and plump, flavorful gojiberries gave this chocolate a pleasing aroma and flavor. The texture of this brittle was less crackly crisp and more a smooth chocolate bark with a soft, satisfying crunch. Sweet, but not overly so -- like many sugar brittles.
Today was Day #4 of Chocolate, Brittle and Bark Theme Week.