Nina Fine Chocolate
45% Cacao - Majambo Coco (Macambo and Coconut) bar
Weight: .4 oz. (12.5 g.) / .8 oz. (25 g.) in total bar

Cost: $17.50 for 1 package of 4 bars
Purchased from: Chocosphere.com (online order)
Welcome to Day #18 of Chocolate and Peru Theme Week.
Today's 45% Cacao Macambo and Coconut (Majambo y Coco) bar from Nina Fine Chocolate (Chazuta, San Martin, Peru), was part of a 4-bar assortment pack.
This was a lighter bar than expected, due to a somewhat unique texture: slightly soft and gummy, light mousse-like. The flavor was light, and not too sweet, with only a hint of coconut.
The "lighter" flavor was due to the lower percent of cacao (45%), and from Macambo—a relative of the cacao plant (Theobroma family) from South America, that was blended with cacao in this bar.*
Macambo seeds are generally eaten roasted and are said to have a slightly savory flavor. (I didn't pick up the latter, but the macambo seemed to have less of the fruity and acidic flavor than cacao often has, judging by the absence of these cacao-related flavors.)
*Ingredients: cacao, macambo, sugar, cocoa butter, coconut