Endangered Species Chocolate
Natural Milk Chocolate with Almonds bar
Good - Good +
Weight: 1.2 oz. (34 g.) / 3 oz. (85 g.) in 1 bar
Calories: 184 calories in 2/5 bar
Cost: $3.59 for one bar
Purchased from: Country Sun Natural Foods, Palo Alto, CA

Today was Day #4 of Chocolate and Almond Theme Week.
For those that abhor strong, robust or bitter flavors in dark chocolate, there are several milk chocolate bars that might fill the bill. This Milk Chocolate with Almonds bar from Endangered Species Chocolate (Indianapolis, IN) offers mild, authentic chocolate flavor with a creamy mouthfeel, and a sprinkling of embedded, roasted almond bits.

This gluten-free bar with almonds features a photograph of a Sandhill Crane on the front. The company has chosen to highlight the plight of dozens of endangered animals and birds on their bars (each flavor features a different animal or bird) as part of their mission to support habitat and species conservation. Ten percent of net proceeds are donated to partner organizations that support this cause.