Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Patricia's Chocolate - Fortunato No. 4 - 47% Peruvian Grand Cru Dark Milk Chocolate - July 12, 2023

Chocolate of the Day

Patricia's Chocolate 
Fortunato No. 4 - 47% Peruvian Grand Cru Dark Milk Chocolate
Good ++
Weight: .56 oz. (16 g.) in a 2-piece tasting sample package
Calories: 87 calories (estimate) in a 2-piece package
Cost: $3.80 (estimate) for a 2-piece package 
Purchased from: Patricia's Chocolate, online order

Welcome to Day #3 of Chocolate and Peru Theme Week.

Today's Fortunato* No. 4 - 47% Peruvian Grand Cru Dark Milk Chocolate was from Patricia's Chocolate (Grand Haven, MI).

Aroma and flavor notes for these Peruvian Pure Nacional (Porcelana) cacao based chocolates included: milk chocolate and caramel. There was a very faint sweet warm spice and sweet herb (licorice) notes in the late finish.

The texture was creamy and relatively light.

While the relatively high sugar content in this 47% dark milk chocolate (and the presence of milk) may have suppressed some subtle (fruit, floral, nutty) Nacional cacao flavors, these small ingot-shaped chocolates were still quite good.

Ingredients: (Not listed on small package)

Allergen-related information: (Not listed on small package)

*The name "Fortunato" comes from the name of the farmer who owns the land on which the prized cacao trees grow.

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