Nina Fine Chocolate
55% Cacao and Milk (Leche) bar
Weight: .4 oz. (12.5 g.) / .8 oz. (25 g.) in total bar
Calories: 70.7 calories in 1/2 bar
Cost: $17.50 for 1 package of 4 bars
Purchased from: Chocosphere.com (online order)
Welcome to Day #19 of Chocolate and Peru Theme Week.

Today's 55% Cacao and Milk (Leche) bar from Nina Fine Chocolate was part of a 4-bar assortment pack, produced by Proyecto Chazuta (Project Chazuta) located in Chazuta, San Martin, in north central Peru.
This 55% Cacao bar had an aroma of dried fruit (raisins), and a sweet milk chocolate flavor with a very faint solvent note.