Chocolate of the Day:
Signature Select
78% Cacao Dark Chocolate bar
Good - Good +
Weight: .7 oz. (20 g.) / 3.5 oz. (100 g.) in total bar
Calories: 110 calories in 2 squares of bar (155.65 cals. per oz.)
Cost: $2.50 for 1 bar (2 for $5.00)

Purchased from: Safeway, Palo Alto, CA
Welcome to Day #7 of Chocolate Cookie Theme Week.
The Signature Select 78% Cacao dark chocolate bar was slightly darker in color and flavor than I expected. The chocolate was smooth with a relatively firm, creamy texture and pleasant, earthy fudge flavor. (I will save the rest of this bar to make brownies later.)

So, where's the cookie part you might ask? I'm a fan of chocolate and lemon, so I paired today's dark chocolate bar with gluten-free Meyer lemon shortbread squares, which were rich and buttery, but also light and full of refreshing citrus flavor. In short, an interesting contrast to today's dark bar.
Notable Bites

The Meyer Lemon Shortbread mix was from a local Bay Area producer. Wendy's
Notable Bites line includes both regular and gluten free cake and cookie mixes. Lemon is a specialty, and Wendy sells mixes and prepared Meyer lemon and almond bars and other baked goods at the Palo Alto Farmers Market (Palo Alto, CA). Eat these lemon squares fresh from the oven to experience the best (fragrant) results. The lemon flavors (from lemon peel and juice) were luscious and the texture was slightly fluffy, flaky and crumbly all at once.