Crow and Moss
Earl Grey Honduras Wampusirpi 67% cacao (bar)
Good +++
Weight: 2.47 oz. (70 g.) in total bar
Calories: 300 calories (per label) in 1 bar
Cost: $9.25 for 1 bar
Purchased from: Bar and Cocoa, online order
Welcome to Day #4 of Chocolate and Honduras Theme Week.
Today's Earl Grey Tea Honduras Wampusirpi* 67% cacao (bar) was from Crow and Moss (Petoskey, MI).
When I leaned into this bar to assess the aroma, I expected to be greeted by the scent of Earl Grey tea (flavored with bergamot**). Instead, I was treated to a well-balanced, chocolate fudge brownie aroma with borderline savory, light earth and leather notes. I was able to tap into the soul of the underlying chocolate just via aroma; and it was good.
The bar had a satisfying even, smooth, fudgy melt, texture and flavor.
The flavor also embodied the fudge brownie base and undulated, evolved (with a soft currant of green (lemon balm, oxalis), and eventually resolved to include the familiar Earl Grey Tea flavored with bergamot as part of a lovely finish.
The (67% cacao) sweetness level was, surprisingly for a sub-70% bar, just about right as the dark chocolate was robust enough to prevent the bar from seeming too sweet, and to balance a light citrus cookie note.
Congratulations to the maker for this well-executed pairing of bold, but smooth, dark chocolate with a floral, citrus (bergamot) uplift/finish.
Crow and Moss (makers) tasting notes: "Get your afternoon tea fix on with this perfect fusion of fudgy, decadent Honduran Wampusirpi chocolate infused with the citrusy, floral notes of fresh Bergamot and the crisp, malty flavor of Earl Grey tea."
Ingredients: Honduran Wampusirpi cacao, organic cane sugar, organic earl grey tea
Allergen-related information: trace dairy, trace peanuts, trace tree nuts, soy free, gluten free, vegan.
*Notes on Wampusirpi cacao on the Bar and Cocoa site:
"Wampusirpi is a municipality of just under 6,000 residents, in the northeastern Honduran department of Gracias a Dios. Many parts of the region are only accessible by boat via the Patuca River, which connects the villages. The whole area is largely dependent upon agriculture, but eschews the conventional use of pesticides in favor of more traditional approaches; it's often called "organic without the certification."
**Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) is an aromatic citrus fruit (that can look a bit like a yellow-ish orange) with tart, sweet and floral notes that is used to flavor Earl Grey and Lady Grey teas, sweets (Turkish delight) and desserts. (It is also used as a perfume component and sold as an essential oil.) The citrus tree was originally from southeast Asia and is grown in the Mediterranean (particularly the Calabria area of southern Italy).