Dick Taylor Craft Chocolate
Dominican Finca Elvesia bar
Good ++ - Very Good
Weight: 1 oz. (28.3 g.) / 2 oz. (56.6 g.) in total bar
Calories: 150 calories (estimate) in 1/2 bar
Cost: $8.50 (estimate) for 1 bar
Purchased from: N/A - gift from a friend

Dark chocolate single origin bars showcase nuanced flavors from a given region, or even a single farm (finca) or plantation.
Today's 74% Dominican Republic Finca Elvesia bar from Dick Taylor Craft Chocolate (Arcata, CA) was no exception.

Co-founders Dustin Taylor and Adam Dick put the "craft" in craft chocolate -- from the chocolate itself (and latticed bar molds), to the careful graphic, printing and packaging design. You get the idea these two makers enjoy mastering the art and science of creating and building...just about anything that interests them.