Baron Chocolatier
Premium Milk Chocolate bar
Good - Good +
Weight: .875 oz. (25 g.) / 3.5 oz. (100 g.) in total bar
Calories: 131 calories in 1/4 bar
Cost: $1.49 for 1 bar

Welcome to Day #5 of Milk Chocolate Theme Week.
Today's Baron Chocolatier Premium Milk Chocolate bar was made in Poland* and imported by European Chocolate, Ltd., a division of Milano Group (Vernon Hills, IL).
This 35%** cacao milk chocolate bar had a sweet creamy flavor and texture, with a hint of caramel and tiny sparkle of fruit.
*Baron Chocolatier originated 30 years ago in Poland.
** The percentage did not appear on the package or website, but thankfully an email query yielded a quick answer: 35% cacao for the milk chocolate bar. This chocolate had a bit more flavor than I'd expect for a less than 40% bar. It would make a nice 45% cacao bar I think.