Ticket Chocolate
Grasshopper Pie Bar
Good +
Weight: .5 oz. (14.1 g.) / 2.25 oz. (63.8 g.) in total bar
Calories: 75 calories (estimate) in 1/2 oz. of bar
Cost: $6.50 for 1 bar
Purchased from: Peet's Coffee and Tea, Charleston, Palo Alto
What is a Grasshopper Pie? It's a chilled Creme de Menthe-flavored marshmallow pie with a chocolate cookie crust. Today's featured Grasshopper Pie Bar from Ticket Chocolate (Loomis, CA) was a chocolate bar version of this popular pie from last century.*
The bar contained "crunchy dark chocolate cookies in minty creamy milk chocolate...and no grasshopper pieces."
The bar contained "crunchy dark chocolate cookies in minty creamy milk chocolate...and no grasshopper pieces."
Unfortunately, this bar also contained gluten (cookies), so only a small bite was sampled.
Chocolate cookie pieces added some texture and crunch to a sweet milk and colorful minty green chocolate bar base.
*Other Ticket Chocolate "Beloved Bar" flavors with a hint of tribute nostalgia included the Mom's Apple Pie Bar, Waffle Pecan Chocolate Bar, Roasted Chesnut Beloved Chocolate Bar and a Hazelnut Cherry Stuffing Bar.
Chocolate cookie pieces added some texture and crunch to a sweet milk and colorful minty green chocolate bar base.
*Other Ticket Chocolate "Beloved Bar" flavors with a hint of tribute nostalgia included the Mom's Apple Pie Bar, Waffle Pecan Chocolate Bar, Roasted Chesnut Beloved Chocolate Bar and a Hazelnut Cherry Stuffing Bar.