Tuesday, September 18, 2007

ChocolateBet: November 28, 2006

Chocolate of the Day: 

Lack Champlain Chocolate
Five Star Chocolate Bar - Peanut
Good + - Very Good
Weight: 1.85 oz. (48 g.) in 1 bar
Calories: 277 calories (estimate) in 1 bar
Cost: $2.99 for 1 bar
Purchased from: Z. Cioccolatos?, North Beach, San Francisco, CA

Well, yesterday's Lake Champlain Five Star Fruit and Nut chocolate bar was good, so I tried the company's Five Star Peanut bar today. The Peanut bar was a satisfying blend of chocolate, peanuts, peanut butter, and crisp rice.

Thoughts on Portion Control and Sharing Chocolates

I had intended (like so many previous intentions on previous chocolate eating days), to eat just half of this chocolate. But, these chunky little Lake Champlain Five Star bars were tough to split in half -- unlike, say, a traditional thin Hershey's chocolate bar - which splits very easily, usually along some faint chocolate perforation/indentation lines. That's my excuse. And, when I can't fit in my clothes any longer, I'll be forced to revisit and revise this thinking.

It's difficult to just eat one square....especially when you are stuck at your desk or somewhere else, and you can't really go anywhere, but you're hungry. I could put down the chocolate, and take the time to forage for real food - but that is way too sensible.

If forced to buy an overly large size chocolate due to lack of an available smaller size, I try to eat chocolate in an environment where other people will accept your offer to share as the only charitable or polite way out of this awkward situation. (I'm not sure what's up with this chocolate eating, but maybe I can help out, they may be asking themselves.) Most of the time friends and co-workers are happy to oblige (especially between 3-4:30 in the afternoon at the office). However, I have on three occasions so far found myself offering candy to strangers in airports. It can be wonderful, or it can be quite awkward. I find myself trying to sound as sane as possible when making the offer. Make too many jokes about what you're doing, and people start looking a little nervous. Ah, all this in the name of portion control, but it's worth it when I get to share the joy of a newly discovered chocolate with friends and passing strangers alike.

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