Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kiss Me - Helado con un trago de ron - Mar. 14, 2016

Chocolate(s) of the Day: 

Kiss Me
Chocolate helado (con almendras y malvaviscos) con un trago de ron
Very Good
Weight: unknown
Calories: unknown (estimate about 300 calories for amount I had)
Cost: $4.00 (estimate) for 1 serving of ice cream + rum
Purchased from: Kiss Me, Matagalpa, Nicaragua

Hola (hello). Astute readers may have noticed that this ice cream was the second "Chocolate of the Day."

We were strolling around a new town, intending to eat a real dinner, but ran into this great ice cream store, which delayed dinner, and created an opportunity for a Nicaraguan (second) chocolate of the day.

This evening's chocolate ice cream with almond and marshmallow pieces was from Kiss Me (Matagalpa, Nicaragua). The ice cream was scooped into a large brandy snifter (glass) and served with a generous shot of Nicaraguan Flor de Cana rum on the side. Both were served on a small, hardwood, cutting board, rustic style.

This evening's treat also marked the beginning of an accelerated series of chocolates from Nicaragua over the next few days.

When traveling through a new country, it's good to be flexible and open to surprises like this pink and white corner store in downtown Matagalpa. They had some great flavors.

Try a scoop of Kiss Me's passion fruit (Maracuya) yogurt on top of a scoop of the shop's caramel ice cream if you have chocolate fatigue.

Note: Thanks very much to Olga who very kindly provided the photos for this post!

The content and images in this post belong to ChocolateBanquet.com.

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