Monday, April 13, 2020

Libeert - Organic Milk Chocolate - Coconut and Yoghurt (bar) - Apr. 13, 2020

Chocolate of the Day:

Organic Milk Chocolate - Coconut and Yoghurt (bar)
Weight: 3.5 oz. (100 g.) in total bar
Calories: 540 calories (estimate) in 1 bar
Cost: $2.99 (estimate) for 1 bar
Purchased from: Grocery Outlet Bargain Market, Palo Alto, CA

Welcome to Day #10 of Chocolate and Coconut Theme Week.

Today's Coconut and Yoghurt Organic Milk Chocolate (bar) was manufactured by Libeert s.a. (Comines, Belgium).

This creamy milk chocolate with crunchy flecks of coconut had a coconut aroma; sweet milk chocolate and coconut flavor with a slight nuttiness; and a light, lingering coconut finish. Yogurt flavoring added a very subtle sweet tartness that helped balance out a relatively high sugar content.

Leaving aside the coconut for a moment...Not only do many milk chocolate bars have a lower percent of cocoa in them, but they also, by definition, have a higher percentage of milk and sugar. Milk and sugar often introduce caramel or candy notes and can mute or mask cacao flavor constituents, such as: fruit, nut, earth, spice, green or dark brownie/fudge notes. These flavor notes often correspond to cacao species, geological origin, soil and fermentation characteristics. (Adding milk and sugar might improve poor quality or bitter cacao, but as a rule fine cacao will be less adulterated.)

Looking for subtle chocolate flavor characteristics in bars with less than 40% cocoa solids becomes quite challenging. Today's milk chocolate contained 38.5% cocoa solids. The chocolate flavor that did poke through seemed rich and mild. (No cacao origin was specified on the packaging for this bar.)

Ingredients: milk chocolate (organic cane sugar, organic cocoa butter, organic dry whole milk, organic chocolate liquor; organic coconut flakes; coconut and yogurt flavor.

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