Violet Sky
Pierce The Veil
Dark Chocolate with Rose Lime Leaf and Ginger bar
Good + - Good ++
Weight: 1.236 oz. (35 g.) / 2.47 oz. (70 g.) in total bar
Calories: 185.5 calories (estimate) in 1/2 bar
Cost: $11.00 for 1 bar
Purchased from: Chocolate Covered, San Francisco, CA
Welcome to Day #3 of Chocolate and Flowers Theme Week.
Today's Pierce the Veil Dark Chocolate with Rose Lime Leaf and Ginger bar from Violet Sky (South Bend, IN) sounded very complex and ambitious.

Was this another delicate chocolate confection with rose essence? No. This bar had a bold underlying bean-to-bar chocolate base with the energy of a recently exploded constellation of flavors.*
Violet Sky Founder Hans Westerink produces a wide variety of craft chocolate bars (all swaddled in unique paper wrapper and colored foil wrapper combinations) with creative and interesting flavor blends and inclusions.
Today's Pierce the Veil bar's was made with a blend of Guatemalan cacao (Lachua) and Peruvian cacao (Maranon). And despite the distinctive flavor adds, the dark, fruity, acidic chocolate base shone through nicely.
Citrus notes were amplified by Kaffir lime leaf bits; and pieces of ginger dominated. The rose petals added some nice pink-purplish color to this riot of color, texture and flavor that were applied to this side of the bar. (It was all serious dark chocolate on the flip side.)
Tasting tip: If you want to taste the rose, choose a piece with less ginger (light golden-beige bits) and more of the pink (rose petal) bits.
Look forward to trying more Violet Sky bars, including those with barrel-aged components.
Welcome to Day #3 of Chocolate and Flowers Theme Week.
Today's Pierce the Veil Dark Chocolate with Rose Lime Leaf and Ginger bar from Violet Sky (South Bend, IN) sounded very complex and ambitious.

Was this another delicate chocolate confection with rose essence? No. This bar had a bold underlying bean-to-bar chocolate base with the energy of a recently exploded constellation of flavors.*
Violet Sky Founder Hans Westerink produces a wide variety of craft chocolate bars (all swaddled in unique paper wrapper and colored foil wrapper combinations) with creative and interesting flavor blends and inclusions.
Today's Pierce the Veil bar's was made with a blend of Guatemalan cacao (Lachua) and Peruvian cacao (Maranon). And despite the distinctive flavor adds, the dark, fruity, acidic chocolate base shone through nicely.
Citrus notes were amplified by Kaffir lime leaf bits; and pieces of ginger dominated. The rose petals added some nice pink-purplish color to this riot of color, texture and flavor that were applied to this side of the bar. (It was all serious dark chocolate on the flip side.)
Tasting tip: If you want to taste the rose, choose a piece with less ginger (light golden-beige bits) and more of the pink (rose petal) bits.
Look forward to trying more Violet Sky bars, including those with barrel-aged components.
*Ingredients: Cocoa beans, cane sugar, ginger root, rose petals, Kaffir lime leaf
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