Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ghirardelli Chocolate - Cherry Tango bar - Aug. 12, 2015

Chocolate of the Day:

Ghirardelli Chocolate Company
Cherry Tango bar
Good - Good +
Weight: 1.75 oz. (50 g.) / 3.5 oz. (100 g.) in total bar
Calories: 225 calories (estimate based on label) in 1/2 bar
Cost: $3.49 for 1 bar
Purchased from: Walgreens, Mountain View, CA

Welcome to was Day #8 of Chocolate, Fruits and Nuts Theme Week at Chocolate Banquet -- where the definition of a week is an elastic concept. A "chocolate week" here often stretches from 7 to as many as 14 days (and chocolates). I appreciate chocolate, and life in general. I am truly grateful to have access to so many different chocolates, including quite a few with fruit and nuts.

Today's Cherry Tango bar from Ghirardelli Chocolate Company (San Leandro, CA) was part of the company's "Intense Dark" bar series. If you're wary about deep dark or bitter chocolate, don't let the phrase "Intense Dark" scare you; this Ghirardelli semisweet chocolate bar was quite mellow and a bit of added cocoa butter added to the smoothness.

This Cherry Tango bar was studded with tiny almond chips, and had a uniform cherry flavor (dried cherries and "natural flavors"), that reminded me of sweet cherry chocolate candies that had whispers of vanilla and a subtle marzipan/almond extract flavor notes. I have fond childhood memories of these cherry chocolate confections, and this bar evoked some of those memories. The bar was a bit on the sweet side, but not overly so.

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