Friday, December 14, 2012

Hava Kava Hut - Coconut Ginger Kava bar - December 14, 2012

Chocolate of the Day:

Hava Kava Hut
Dark Chocolate Coconut Ginger Kava bar
OK+ - Good
Weight: 1.25 oz. (35 g.) total bar
Calories: 187 calories (estimate) in 1 bar
Cost: $6.00
Purchased from: Sweet Paradise Chocolatier, Hawaii

Today at lunch, I drove to the San Francisco Bay shore. It was the week of "King" tides in California, the highest of the high tides this year (2012). Some paths, benches and signs at the water's edge were temporarily underwater.

It was cold and gray. Even so, I imagined that this seawater might be flowing toward us from Hawaii. Today was Day #5 of Chocolate and Hawaii Theme Week. As I contemplated this notion, I nibbled on a Dark Chocolate Coconut Ginger Kava bar from Hava Kava Hut (Kailua Kona, Hawaii), available through Sweet Paradise Chocolatier (Hawaii).

I cannot tell a lie, this bar tasted like it might have come from a soapy flavored plant made into a soda, and then infused into a 70% cocoa dark chocolate bar. Kava root is often ground up and served in half coconut shells, and is thought to create a mellow state of mind (and to help counter motion sickness). Kava flavor has been described as "dirty dishwater" and worse. Visitors to Hawaiian kava cafes often order their kava with POG (pineapple, orange and guava juice). The organic dark chocolate, ginger, coconut and vanilla in this Hava Kava chocolate bar helped cover up this taste.

So, did I feel more relaxed? Not that I could tell. But, the bar, made with kava from Vanuatu (an island nation in the south Pacific ocean), did help me enjoy a walk in the baylands, and a trip to a local zoo after that, where I visited with a happy bobcat and a peacock (not in the same cage). OK, maybe I was more relaxed.

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