Thursday, July 18, 2024

Goodnow Farms Chocolate - Dark Chocolate Caramelized Onion Nicaragua 77% Cacao (bar) - July 18, 2024

Chocolate of the Day

Goodnow Farms Chocolate
Dark Chocolate Caramelized Onion 77% Cacao (bar)
Good ++ - Good +++
Weight: .97 oz. (27.5 g.) / 1.94 oz. (55 g.) in total bar
Calories: 165 calories in 1/2 bar
Cost: $18.00 for 1 bar -- also available in multi-bar collections (bundles)
Purchased from: Goodnow Farms Chocolate, online order

Welcome to Day #9 of Chocolate and Spices Theme Week.

Today's Dark Chocolate Caramelized Onion 77% Cacao (bar) was from Goodnow Farms Chocolate (Sudbury, MA). 

Extra credit to Goodnow Farms for successfully pulling off an onion flavored chocolate. It takes talent, technical skills and care to successfully blend flavors like this. After enjoying several Goodnow Farms bars, I'm happy to try new flavors from these thoughtful bean-to-bar chocolate makers (who even squeeze their own single origin cocoa butter).

Aroma notes included: dark chocolate, and fresh green, onion.

Texture: smooth and creamy with a very pleasing melt.

Flavor notes included: slightly bitter-sweet 77% dark chocolate and balanced onion (fresh green onion, onion rings). I kept anticipating tasting some salt, but there was none.* 

The "bitter" chocolate (and the fact the onions had been caramelized) made the onion taste relatively sweeter.

Ingredients: Single Origin Cacao Beans, Organic Cane Sugar, Single Origin Cocoa Butter, Safrane Globe Onion (Dried)

Allergen-related information: "Soy Free, Vegan, Gluten Free"

*Warning, possible science digression: This fill-in the blank phenomenon, influenced by past food memories is fascinating. Another example: the first time I tried a 100% cacao chocolate (with no sugars of any kind). My brain/senses were temporarily stunned--and stumped as to why there was no sugar. Clearly my body was anticipating sugar. I imagined an immediate neuronal re-wiring.

Perhaps unexpected flavors cause our brains to double-check whether there are any suspicious"off" flavors (a possible warning to make sure we avoid potentially rotten or contaminated foods).

In today's case, virtually all onion dishes contain salt; so no wonder I was feeling the absence of salt. (I resisted the urge to add some; and I was happy I did.) I enjoyed the sweeter onion nuances and the clear(er) contrast with the bitter chocolate.

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