Monday, July 31, 2023

Utopick Chocolate - Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao Rare Citrus (bar) - July 30, 2023

Chocolate of the Day

Utopick Chocolate SL
Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao Rare Citrus (bar)
Good + - Good ++
Weight: 1.25 oz. (35 g.) / 2.5 oz. (70 g.) in total bar
Calories: 194 calories (estimate) in 1/2 bar
Cost: $18.00 for 1 bar
Purchased from: Chocolate Covered, San Francisco, CA

Welcome to Day #5 of Chocolate and Fruits Theme Week.

Today's Bean to Bar Dark Chocolate 70% Cacao Rate Citrus (bar) was from Utopick Chocolate SL (Valencia, Spain). 

Aroma notes included: chocolate with light, fleeting fermentation (alcohol), subtly layered citrus (lemon, orange), very faint warm citrus spice and lemony bittersweet herb.

The flavor notes were similar to the aroma notes above, but with richer chocolate-y notes and a slight, balanced tart (sweet sour) bitterness. The small strips of sweetened citron peel on the back of the bar added upticks of lemony flavor.

I enjoyed this sophisticated blend of two relatively bold flavors: citron peel and chocolate. Citron peel, (usually candied) is used in cooking/baking, beverages, cocktails and desserts. It's a popular citrus fruit flavor accent in Europe, but relatively rare to find in the U.S. 

Maker's tasting notes: "Roasted cocoa, orange juice, grandmarnier and vermouth herbs."

Ingredients: Cocoa beans, cane sugar, pure cocoa butter, citron, glucose and dextrose.

Allergen-related information: "May contain traces of nuts, egg and milk protein, soya and gluten, due to the presence in our factory."

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