Thursday, May 7, 2015

Barr Necessities - Walnut It'sa Meal cookie - May 6, 2015

Chocolate of the Day:

Barr Necessities
Walnut It'sa Meal cookie
Good +
Weight: 3.7 oz. (105 g.) in 1 cookie
Calories: 200 calories (estimate) for 1 cookie
Cost: $4.95 (estimate) for 1 cookie
Purchased from: SweetE Organic, Mill Valley, CA

Today was Day #1 of Chocolate and Walnut Theme Week.

Walnuts* are less likely to be found in chocolate bars than some other nuts. Almonds* are everywhere. Walnuts and chocolate combinations in California are more likely to be found in trail mixes, the occasional walnut brownie or cookie, and chocolate covered nuts.

Thank you to Elana at SweetE Organic (Mill Valley, CA) for introducing me to these "It'sa Meal" cookies made with organic almond flour and flaxseed meal from Barr Necessities (Berkeley, CA).

These substantial and satisfying cookies, including today's Vegan Chocolate Walnut flavor, are gluten, grain and soy free. They're made with just enough raw coconut nectar to add some sweetness. (Coconut palm sugar scores lower on the glycemic index than white cane or beet sugar.) I love the fact that these cookies are less sweet; I can eat one without a trace of a sugar buzz.

The soft crunch of the chopped walnuts and the rich flavor of the chocolate chips were great additions as well.

*Both walnuts and almonds are great healthy snacks. Walnuts have more Omega-3s (alpha-linolenic fatty acids) than almonds, but almonds have a bit more protein, fiber and calcium than walnuts. 

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