Sunday, April 12, 2015

Cabruca Chocolates - Acai and Honey - April 12, 2015

Chocolate of the Day: 

Cabruca Chocolates
Acai and Honey
Good - Good +
Weight: .8 oz. (22.6 g.) (estimate) for 1 piece
Calories: 120 calories (estimate) in 1 piece
Cost: $34.00 for 15-piece assortment box (includes shipping)
Purchased from: Cabruca Chocolates, online order

Today I'm featuring another chocolate from Cabruca Chocolates (Winchester, OR). Owner and chocolatier, Juliana Renno Bounds, who grew up in Brazil, created today's Acai and Honey chocolate.

Acai berries grow on a type of palm tree in Brazil. The only acai berries I've located in the San Francisco Bay Area have been frozen*. The resulting dense, icy inky purple pulp I found was slightly tart, heavily sweetened, and designed for smoothies. (I asked Juliana about acai. She confirmed that most people use frozen acai berries for smoothies and acai bowls, even in Brazil.)

Acai fruit, and acai bowls (often topped with fruit and granola), have become popular in U.S. cities in the past few years -- in part due to the berry's high polyphenol and antioxidant content.

The Acai flavor in this chocolate was subtle and pleasant, and not too sweet (which I liked).

Today was Day #5 of Chocolate and Brazil Theme Weeks.

*Similarly, the only cacao fruit pulp I've been able to find in the U.S. has also been frozen. The cacao fruit starts to ferment quickly, after picking, especially in a warm tropical climate where its grown. A pity, as the fruit pulp has a pleasing fruit (ranging from citrus to watermelon) and floral flavor. 

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