Thursday, January 26, 2012

ChocolateBet: January 26, 2012

Chocolate of the Day:

Schluckwerder (Adendorf, Germany)
Qualitats - Marzipan bar
Very Good
Weight: .25 oz. (7 g.)/ 2 oz. (56 g.) total bar (estimate)
Calories: 32.5 calories (estimate)
Cost: $1.29 total bar
Purchased from: Crossroads Market, Palo Alto, CA

Day #5 of Chocolate and Almond Marzipan Theme Week dawned with a taste of another chocolate-coated, marzipan filled bar. tells me that German marzipan is generally made by grinding whole almonds with sugar, and then partially drying the paste. (The French apparently combine their grounds almonds with sugar syrup.)
I also learned about an interesting tradition in Switzerland.

"In Geneva, a traditional part of the celebration of L'Escalade is the ritual smashing of a chocolate cauldron filled with marzipan vegetables, a reference to a Savoyarde siege of the city which was supposedly foiled by a housewife with a cauldron of boiling soup." Alas, I won't be able to fly to Switzerland to catch that tradition this year. I'll write that down in my 1,000 chocolate places/things to experience before I die book.

Today's marzipan bar was from Schluckwerder (Adendorf, Germany), a name I could barely pronounce. However, I had no trouble eating this bar, and the quality of the marzipan was quite good -- full of almond paste flavor, without being too sweet, or too dry. Perfect breakfast snack before dashing off to work. Unfortunately, it was still dark outside, and the pictures I took were a bit blurry. So, my apologies to the folks at Schluckwerder.

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