Thursday, February 18, 2010

ChocolateBet: February 18, 2010

Chocolate of the Day:
12 pieces
Luca Chocolate
Chocolate Dipped Bacon
Very Good +
Weight: 1.5 oz. (42 g.) (estimate)/2 oz. (56.6 g.) total for 16 pieces (estimate)
Calories: 290 calories (guesstimate)
Cost: $16.95 total for bacon box assortment
Purchased from: Luca Chocolate (North Carolina) via

I'm not a big meat eater, but I was so excited to get my Luca Chocolate bacon box that I ordered...OK, those who find this disgusting need read no further, and to others, please continue... that I forgot to photograph and weigh the chocolate dipped bacon pieces before eating them for brunch this morning. These crispy bacon pieces, covered in just the right amount of dark chocolate, were relatively small and light (2-3 inches long). I enjoyed being able to really taste the bacon. Tomorrow, I'll try the bacon caramels.

Luca Chocolate is based in Ramseur, North Carolina, and is one of many small businesses that Foodzie brings together on their site, for our eating pleasure. (Luca is the name of a lovely brown horse.)

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