Sunday, May 2, 2010

ChocolateBet: May 2, 2010

Chocolate of the Day:

2 pieces
Polo Dolce
Aztec Chile (Cinnamon, Ground Chiles, and Pumpkin Seeds)
Good + - Very Good
Weight: 1.5 oz. (42.5 g.)/6 oz. (170 g.) total 8-piece box
Calories: 218 calories for 2 pieces/tiles (estimate)
Cost: $ (don't have receipt)
Purchased from: Poco Dolce, in San Francisco, CA

These Bittersweet Chocolate Tiles, topped with Grey Sea Salt, had just the right amount of spicy burn for me. Enough to be interesting, without being overwhelming. The pumpkin seed pieces also provided a nice texture and taste counterpoint for the chiles. Perfect choice for Day #2 of Chocolate and Spicy Theme Week.

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